Your business is at risk every day. Use this day to defend it.
Wholesaler License Sealing Eviction Records
Higher Property taxes on Rentals Ownership Transparency
Zoning Reform Anti-Squatter laws Fraudulent Deeds
Every year, OREIA hosts an annual legislative day to update members on their lobbying activities, educate on the importance of local, grass roots advocacy, and provide members an opportunity to interact with their elected officials and highlight the hard work they do in their communities. Your business is at risk every day. Use this day to defend it.
OREIA believes these types of interactions are essential to the relationship building our professionals work on throughout the year.
Please join us for a packed day!
At the Sheraton Hotel: Key Note Speaker
Advocacy training
Legislative Updates
At the Capitol Rotunda: Food and drinks
"Friends of the Association" Awards
Legislator Engagement