OREIA Member Associations
OREIA has local affiliate groups throughout the State of Ohio. These associations provide regular meetings for area investors that include education, networking, local resources, and, best of all, a community of active, excited investors and entrepreneurs which whom you can share ideas, advice, and inspiration.
OREIA's member associations welcome real estate entrepreneurs at all levels of knowledge and experience from "just learning" to "done it forever". Join your local association whether you're an investment property owner, flipper, or own a business that serve them.
Best of all, when you're a dues-paying member of your local association, you're AUTOMATICALLY a member of OREIA, too--and you pay no additional costs for the benefits of OREIA membership.
OREIA member groups are independent organizations affiliated through OREIA. Each group charges different dues for membership (which include your OREIA dues), and the meeting dates and topics, and benefits vary from association to association, so check out their websites below for full details.
Choose the group nearest you, check out their website or contact information and attend a meeting today--most offer FREE visitor passes!!
Can't find a group near you? Call us today and we can help you get one started!!
Akron Area
Akron/Canton REIA
Northeast Ohio's premier real estate investor association
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30p.m.
See website for location and details: ACreia.org
For more information:
Email: akroncantonreia@gmail.com
PHONE: 330-858-0456
Area: Summit and Surrounding Counties
Ashtabula Area
Ashtabula REIA
Building a better community one investment at a time
Monthly meetings the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.
See website for details and location: http://www.areia.org
For more information:
Tammi Salviano, President (440) 728-0331
Butler County Area
Butler County REIA
Monthly meetings the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
See website for details and location: Butlercountyreia.com
Nick Gallant, President
Email: ButlerCountyREIA@gmail.com
Phone: 513-857-2006
Canton Area
Stark County REIA
Acquire valuable knowledge at our events as you network with fellow, successful investors.
Monthly meetings are the last Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.
For meeting details and location: SCreia.org
Jack Smith, president
Email: StewartHomesOhio@gmail.com
Phone: (330) 737-1018
Cincinnati Area
Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati (REIAGC)
Ohio's oldest and largest REIA, welcoming investors at all levels of knowledge and experience
Monthly meetings the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, early meeting at 6 p.m. & main meeting starts at 7:30 p.m.
10 additional focus group meetings throughout the month
Visit website for location and details: Cincinnatireia.com
Tiffani Ray, president
e-mail: cincinnatireia@gmail.com
phone number: 513-407-3137
Columbus Area
Community of Real Estate Entrepreneurs (COREE)
Your Columbus community for real estate education, inspiration, resources, and support
Live monthly meetings the 1st Tuesday of each month and Nationwide online meeting the 3rd Thursday of each month, early meeting at 6 p.m. & main meeting starts at 7:30 p.m.
10 additional focus group meetings per month
For meeting location and details: COREErocks.com
Contact Information: Sara Arseneau
Phone: 888-275-8362
Cleveland Area
COREE Cleveland
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 6-8pm Networking, deal making, advice, contractor shares, etc. Come be a part of our community
Meeting locations and details HERE.
Dayton Area
Greater Dayton REIA
Main meetings the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Focus group meetings throughout the month
Meeting location and details: http://www.gdreia.com
Mike Frye, President
(937) 216-5724
Email: gdreia@gdreia.com
Mahoning Valley Area
Mahoning Valley REIA
Meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 6 p.m.
Meeting details and location Mahoningvalleyreia.com
Nicole Klingemier, President
Mansfield Area
Mid-Ohio REIA
Meets from 6-8 pm on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the Holiday Inn Conference Center in Mansfield, OH
For meeting details visit www.midohioreia.com
Gary Cassady, President
Phone: 614-526-4289
Muskingum County
Muskingum Area Real Estate Investors Association
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 (dinner hour) and 7:00 (meeting)
Meeting details and location: www.mareia.homes
Scott Dalzell, President 740 819-1335
Chillicothe Area
Scioto Valley REIA
Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month from 7-8pm.
Visit their Facebook Page for more details.
Mike Putnam, President
Property Investor's Network (PIN)
Also Serving Lucas and Wood Counties in Ohio and Monroe County in Michigan
Visit www.toledopin.com for more information
Richard Hamilton, President 419-304-0255
Tuscarawas County
Through education & experience we can attain our goals!
General Monthly Meetings: 2nd Thursday of each month 6:15-9pm food, speakers and networking! Visitors welcome.
Visit: www.tuscreia.org for the most Current News.
President: Pat McCreery 740/922-0319
Youngstown- see Mahoning Valley
Warren- see Mahoning Valley
Zanesville-see Muskingum